Thursday, January 1, 2009

What Kind of Workplace Will Engage Generation Y

By Alison K. Mitchelson

If your business is looking for new and energetic employees in Sydney, you're going to have to meet the challenge of creating a workplace which will appeal to members of Generation Y. These people are technologically savvy and up on the latest developments. Now that the baby boomers are nearing retirement, attracting and retaining talented Generation Y employees should be a priority for your business.

When trying to get these young and dynamic workers on to your team, you'll have to keep some things in mind. In any business, success depends on finding the right workforce. Of just as much if not more importance is on ensuring that these talented workers will find the workplace engaging enough to stick around for a long time.

Making your workplace one which will engage members of Generation Y involves having an understanding of the psychology of this young and dynamic group. This is a generation which has grown up with the constant presence of the internet. These are people who use social networking and are very interested in information and using the web to conduct research on their own. Generation Y is made up of skilled problem solvers who are used to thinking outside of the box and have a reverence for new technology.

One important thing to know about Generation Y is that they do not expect to devote their whole lives to a company; it's just not how they're wired.

Generation Y is an generation that places equal emphasis on quality of life versus job loyalty, and they tend to have a very low tolerance for a job that expects them to devote their all, without adequate compensation for it. You will also find that this is a generation that has distaste for micromanagement; many of them work best independently and enjoy managing their own time.

Companies hiring in Sydney should also be aware that the members of Generation Y also put a premium on being able to dress casually in the workplace. As they see it, if they won't be in contact with clients, there is no reason for them to wear suits in the workplace. A relaxed workplace dress code can go a long way towards making Generation Y employees feel at home in the workplace.

As these young workers enter the job market in growing numbers, companies must be aware of how to recruit and engage them in order to achieve stability in their company staffing.

Especially in Sydney, companies have to understand the particular needs and sensibilities of Generation Y. Before hiring new staff, take some time to learn a bit more about these newcomers to the workforce. The best way is to speak with someone who has already managed to create a work environment in which members of Generation Y are successfully engaged. - 16747

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