Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - Online Investigating

By June Lydon

Performing a reverse phone search with Google is an easy and cost free means to determine the identity of somebody or companies that have been calling you. It is quite annoying to encounter so many unnamed phone numbers on your missed call list. Before, you did not have the chance to verify whether these are legitimate or important calls or whether these are just calls from telemarketers and pranksters. However, with the help of the Internet and search engines such as Google, it is now possible to find out from whom a phone number belongs.

With reverse phone lookup services you can simply log on to the service via the internet, type the phone number you want to lookup and voila - you get complete details of the owner of the number like their full name, postal address and depending on the service provider a few more details about the phone number. The enables you to know who called exactly and also help you to avoid calling back unwanted numbers. This service not only allows you to check for who called up, it even allows you to get the address of a person or company based on their phone number.

Conducting a specific reverse cellular telephone number search can take some time. As a rule, cell phone companies are not allowed to create directories from cell phone numbers of their customers since these are classified as private numbers. Therefore, your only option when conducting a reverse phone number lookup for particular numbers is from third party providers.

An up to date reverse phone lookup is becoming necessary these days. People have been used to strange or unfamiliar calls for years but previously, there was no cheap solution to this problem. Hiring a private investigator used to be the only option and this is not your everyday solution that everybody can afford to a nagging yet small problem like this.

Search engines like Google is also a good place to begin the hunt. Simply type the number of your suspect and it may just be readily available in the internet. Other sites that advertise or market are also viable. Lastly, networking websites like MySpace come very handy.

There are many companies online which will offer this service, none of them are free, unless you are just searching for a phone number already posted in a public directory those are available from and All you have to do is type in a phone number with the area code first, click search and in a few seconds the information you need will be displayed. Don't go out and hire a private investigator, you will end up spending hundreds of dollars and waiting a month of Sundays to find out what they're up to.

The top quality reverse phone directory services have access to hundreds of millions of cell phone numbers and correlating information. This is way more than some other reverse lookup databases, which means that with good services, you get a better bargain for your money. These services can be accessed from all major computers and browsers. Their pages are very simple, and therefore load quickly even on a dial up connection.

Using the information that you have you can use a reverse lookup to search for records that match your other bits of information. There are companies that have compiled millions of public information records into huge databases that are searchable. Some of the information contained in these databases includes names, addresses and zip codes of people, marriage records, phone records, court records, birth records and more. - 16747

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