Saturday, January 24, 2009

Looking For Temporary Staffing? Consider A Temp Agency

By Amy Nutt

Sometimes events happen within a business that requires them to hire individuals on a temporary basis. However, it sometimes doesnt pay for them to hire them on their own. This is because they may only need this person for a week, a month, or a few months. It costs thousands of dollars to hire and train a single employee, so the company can actually save a lot of money if they simply look to a temporary staffing agency.

With the current worries surrounding the recession, temporary staffing is something that is growing in popularity. Individuals are losing their jobs and they have to have somewhere to turn so that they can make some money to support themselves and their families.

Fortunately, there are plenty of companies staying strong during the recession and they are in need of temporary help to help them make it through their everyday tasks. They may not want to go through the trouble of hiring an employee on their own, so they simply look elsewhere to find quality help.

How it works

A temp agency has a database of individuals who have filled out applications and taken skills assessment tests. This is so the agency knows what sort of jobs certain individuals would fit best in. These individuals also require very little training when they begin a job because they have either done the job before or they have acquired experience in another way.

When a company needs a temporary employee, they simply contact the temp agency to see who the best candidate for the job is. If the best candidate accepts the position, he or she is then sent to that company to carry out the companys duties for however long the company needs them.

As for how that person is paid, you, the company, send the wages to the temp agency. The temp agency then takes their fee out of the pay amount and they cut a check to the employee.

It saves money

Considering that many companies pay thousands of dollars to train employees, this is a great solution for a short-term problem. Because the company simply pays the temp agency, there is no need to worry about payroll costs. It costs money to have to do all of the paperwork that is required to place a person within a payroll system and there is manpower involved in it as well. There is no need to worry about such tasks as direct deposit and filing and sending tax forms. The temp agency takes care of all of this. All the company has to worry about is whether or not the temp employee shows up to do the job. When they do, someone with the company will show them what they have to do and that is all it takes.

So instead of spending thousands doing a job search, hiring an employee, training that employee, and taking care of all of their paperwork, it makes sense to look into temporary staffing for a solution. In a way, it is like outsourcing, but the employee is coming to you rather than remaining where they are to do the job.

Helping out

By looking to temp agencies to find quality individuals to do a job, you are helping people. There are many that have been taken under by the recession and employing them through a temp agency can make an incredible difference in their lives and the lives of their families. It can be the difference between putting food on their table and not putting food on their table. And if someone doesnt work out, you can always find another person very quickly. When you hire someone through your company, quickly turning over employees can be expensive. Using a temp agency prevents this. - 16747

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